BUYING AT AUCTION: Auctions can be a daunting time to buy a property as some Auctions you may not have any idea where it might sell or what it is worth. Here in New Plymouth we have adopted a policy of publishing the Auction Reserve in order for the whole process is transparent. We do…
New Zealands Land Use
The New Zealand farming landscape has changed significantly in the last eight years, with fewer sheep, more dairy cows, more trees, burgeoning vineyards and spreading avocado orchards and olive groves. Grazing and arable land use decreased by 12 percent from 1994 to 12.0 million hectares, while horticultural land use increased by 6 percent from 1994…
Truckie Strike Action
Well where I am in New Plymouth its just work and traffic as usual. But i have had some text messages from my mates in Auckland telling me that the traffic is terrible and others telling me they had record travel times to work. As with all stories there is two sides to everything. I…
Amazing Sea and Mountain Views
How would you like views like this from your master bedroom. This is arguably in my opinion to be one of New Plymouths Best properties. The views are unparralled. The home is situated in the very saught after Fitzroy Location. There are 4 spacious bedrooms, two living areas, a outdoor pool, a indoor spa,…
How could I get my house ready for the Market in under 30 days
Do you want to have a quick sale and get as much for your property as you possibly can? In this market they both sound like farfetched goals. But with a little knowledge of what buyers want, and getting that right from day one as well as pricing competitively you should be able to achieve…
Rent to Buy
I have over the last couple of weeks have been asked about Rent to Buy on some properties I have been marketing. This is something that I haven’t been involved with before so I had to study it a little myself. Rent to buy can be a great way for your family to get into…
Is it Hybernation or just the Winter Blues
Wow maybe the winter weather has slowed everyone down. Only 3 blogs since my last blog 5 days ago. What’s going on? I know for the market in New Plymouth it was a very slow week. And for my open homes during the weekend I had no one through at all. And I even noticed…
Bad behaviour towards For Sale signs
Over the past few months I have been noticing a disturbing trend in some places in regards to our For Sale signs. Lately there have been a few properties go on the market in some of the less desirable parts of town. But all be said they are still good houses and need to be…
Dirt Championship
Donec auctor consectetur tellus, in hendrerit urna vulputate non. Ut elementum fringilla purus. Nam dui erat, porta eu gravida sit amet, ornare sit amet sem.
Clean Air
Vivamus pharetra magna fermentum tincidunt imperdiet. Aenean venenatis sollicitudin odio in ultrices. Proin a nibh at dolor rhoncus pulvinar. Nullam eget tincidunt enim.
Learn Something New
Proin vitae lectus eu turpis sollicitudin sagittis. Aliquam nunc odio, semper lacinia tincidunt a, dapibus vitae dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia.
Evening Rides
Duis eget tellus nisl. Donec porta orci vel iaculis porta. Vivamus aliquet, ligula et tempus mattis, tortor ipsum eleifend massa, ac gravida dui est quis dui.
The Cold Winter Blast
Wow! The cold weather has come and hit us right in the butt. Here in Taranaki over the last few days have had in excess of 70mm of rain and some bitter cold temperatures. I was out driving around last night when a massive hail storm hit. It was amazing to see my temperature reading…
New Plymouth Market and Sales Statistics
Have a look at these Statistics. After a fair bit of research these are the statistics of the New Plymouth Market for the last 6 months. Month Total Sales Properties on Days on Median Sale New Plymouth Market (approx) Market Price Dec 70 840 34 $293,000…
The Real Estate Fat
Since I started Real Estate I have put on a fair amount of beef. And me been ex military I would have thought I would have been quite well disciplined to get out there and keep in shape. But what I did not bargin for was the amount of mentally draining work that Real Estate…
Tourism and Taranaki
The Taranaki region lies on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand with a land area of 723,610 hectares (3% of New Zealand’s area) and a population of approx 105,000 people Taranaki is a unique location with four distinct landforms making up the region. The The central icon is Mount Taranaki (Egmont…
What to do in a Multi Offer.
Well. This week alone I have had two multi offer situations on properties I am marketing. Maybe there is some pick up in the market. Maybe it’s just by chance. Whatever the reason it is important that both the Seller and Purchaser know what this means for them. Firstly for the Seller…. What an…
Important points to market your home online.
In today’s technology driven world, more and more buyers are turning to the internet to look for a home. As I stated in my last post I have found that almost all my buyers are looking at the property on the intenet before considering looking at it in person. And with so many homes on…
Selling your House at Open Home
In todays market most people now are looking at property on the internet first and then going to the open home. People these days do not have alot of time and want to utilise their time to look at properties all at once. Out of all my property inspections over the past 2 months 89%…
The internet and our lives
I have just come back from a quick trip to Sydney where I was learning about how the internet is starting to dominate our lives. And the startling fact is that it is actually far more dominating than I think any of us realise. Think about it. Where do we go to look anything up….
This week alone I have had two offers on a property that I have had on the market for a number or weeks. This property is not in the most desirable location but is not of a location you would be scared for your family. But this property has been totally renovated. It is a 3…
Baby Boomers.
Well I have recovered from my fall. All and well again and have so much to talk about. But right this minute I was just reading something on Baby Boomers from one mans opinion and it has really got me thinking and I imagine it will get you thinking as well. My thoughts on this…
Myanmars Cyclone and Chinas Eathquake
Isnt the events happening in these countries right now tragic. There aren’t any words that can explain how it must be over there for the people of these countries. Its sad that both have happened at such a close time frame. On one scale you have the Total devistation from Chinas 7.8 magnitute quake. This…
Market Recovery
How is the market preforming compared to recent years, quite frankly not as good. But what do you judge that by. Is that judged by the volume or by the median price or by the time to sell, or by anything else that the experts say. Its hard to gauge and with all the media attention…
A day to forget, But could I forget?
Friday 17 May 2008 – A day I wont forget in a hurry….. It started at 8:15am on my way to the office, where I was driving behind a car towing a trailor load of wood. Next minute I know a few logs are falling off. And there was nothing i could do but run…
Proactive People
I commend everyone who puts out newsletters, emails or blogs. I highly commend people who have their own websites and work towards establishing themseves an online presence. I have three online bussiness that make me a very good income. And they all help people in different ways. The people that do this I call proactive…
Counter Offer Stratergys
Negotiations When it comes down to on paper negotiating you will more often than not get a counter offer situation. To what extent purely depends on the negotiating skills of your agent and/or the motivation of the seller and buyer. The goal, when you’re countering a buyer’s offer, is to get the highest price and best…
How much is it costing you to survive?
How much is it costing you to survive each month? I earn myself not a bad income. But I do work very hard for it. 7 days a week on the go do drag out sometimes. But I love what I do. But lately I have struck a bit of a snag and I know…
Real Estate Market Activity in New Plymouth
Most of us have read, and been alarmed at the recent media coverage of the current and future directions of the housing market. There is the choice of believing that now is a great time to buy and the market is little changed, or that falls of 30% or more will be seen during the next few years….
Property Searches and the Internet
When you go and buy a car do you look on the internet, on websites such as Trademe and do you go to the LTSA website and pull up the history on the car. Well if you don’t you should. But the same type of actions should be taken when you go to purchase a…