Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Lawrence Kimberley, and Bishop of Te Waipounamu, Richard Wallace, bless the site and all who will work on the project.
Physical work on the Cathedral will begin in the coming days.
Watch the video.
O God, we ask that the work we begin today
will contribute to the building up of your kingdom
and join us in faith and love to Christ.
You have given us knowledge and power to be your co-workers.
Inspire us with hope that the work we begin today
will be with your blessing and protection.
We thank you for the gifts and skills of all who work on this project.
Keep watch over all who will work on this site.
Grant them the wisdom and gifts they need.
Keep them safe from danger,
and give success to the work of their hands and ours;
that the completed Cathedral may be a living foretaste of your heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord.