With the increasing awareness that fossil fuels are quickly becoming depleted, we need to start focusing on renewable sources of energy. Solar power is one of the most viable options. Of course, this is no surprise. Using the power of the sun has been around in some form since the dawn of time and there are many advantages of solar power for homes.
The sun’s energy is renewable. This means that no matter how much we use, we will never deplete this resource. This is in sharp contrast to the dwindling supply of fossil fuels we use.
Also, unlike fossil fuels, energy from the sun does not harm the environment. There are no byproducts of solar power that leach into the air and create pollution or contribute to greenhouse gasses. In addition, acquiring the power is not intrusive to the environment like some other forms of energy. About the most intrusive part would be the solar panels which are well suited in most areas to fit snugly on the roof.
When generating energy from the sun to power your home, you can be a self contained unit. While it might not be practical in some areas to rely solely on the sun for power, other, less developed, areas might benefit immensely by being able to power homes with the sun without having to install power plants and run electrical cables. In areas where there is not enough sunlight for household needs, systems can be setup so that you can hook into the electrical grid during those times when more energy is needed.
While installing a solar power system for your home can be expensive at first, you will eventually see a savings because as time goes on you will reduce or eliminate your monthly power bill. And with readily accessible solar power home kits on the market, the barriers to entry are minimal. One particularly well put together step-by-step guide is Earth4Energy.
After the initial costs, generating power from the sun is free. So, once you have your collection and storage systems set up, you will reap the benefits not only in monthly savings but also in the benefits to our planet. These advantages of solar power make a commitment to using solar power the most sensible decision you can make to minimize your dependence on fossil fuels.
Here are some things people say about solar panels and why people think they wont work.
#1. You need a hot climate for solar energy to work.
Actually, you need sunlight for solar panels to work.
Photovoltaic (solar electric) panels actually work slightly less efficiently in hot weather. They like being cold.
So while hot weather can be helpful for your solar hot water, for electricity from the sun, cold weather is
Proof: Germany is one of the top installers of solar energy. They have less sunlight than most of northern America.
Japan is also a major installer of solar panels, and their climate is temperate.
#2. Solar Panels are Expensive.
Let’s compare this with something else: owning a house.
Houses are expensive too, yet people buy them. The reason people buy houses is because owning a house is an investment.
People buy houses because
a) it’s better paying a mortgage than it is is paying rent
b) at the end of paying the mortgage, you still own the house, and it has increased in value.
So, to finish the comparison, when you own a solar panel, you can
a) use the power bill savings to pay off the solar panel, and
b) once the solar panel is paid off, you still own the solar panel. It’s still paying your power bills.
And it has increased the value of your house.
This is why the expense of solar panels is better looked at as an investment.
#3. Solar Panels are New, Untested Technology.
Actually, the photovoltaic effect (creating electricity from sunlight) was first discovered in 1839. The first solar panel was made in 1882. Solar energy is not exactly new on the scene.
Also, the major development of solar panels was during the space race. Solar panels were needed to power the satellites orbiting the earth.
If you can imagine a situation where it was more important to create a reliable technology, I would like to know it too.
Photovoltaic panels have no moving parts, and their maintenance requires being washed maybe once or twice a year. And this is only because dust slightly reduces their efficiency.
Solar panels are reliable, tested technology.
#4. You need a huge roof for solar panels.
Actually, unless you live off the grid, it’s best not to install a giant solar panel system.
Most people who live on the grid will see great benefits from a small system, sometimes even one that takes care of 40% of their bill.
In some places power companies will charge more depending on how much you use. In other places isnt a saving of 40% heaps on your energy bill.
2 thoughts on “Solar Energy – The Next Generation Of Free Renewable Power”
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Thanks for making such a killer blog. I come on here all the time and am floored with the fresh information here.
Solar Energy is one of the best sources of clean and green electricity. I think that we should build more efficient solar thermal power plants and solar cells. frequently. ,