Wow maybe the winter weather has slowed everyone down. Only 3 blogs since my last blog 5 days ago. What’s going on? I know for the market in New Plymouth it was a very slow week. And for my open homes during the weekend I had no one through at all. And I even noticed the amount of open homes had reduced by 40%. Something for me to look into.
But in all honestly we have just experienced our first cold snap and wintery blast of the year. And by all accounts looking at the sea temperatures and trade wind patterns I think we are in for another 2 or 3 weeks of similar patterns. But anyway the cold snap has dried us all up and huddled us into bed.
Our New Plymouth office experienced 30 sales in the first 3 weeks of June and bugger all in the last week. I noticed I had less than half the email traffic I usually get last week and phone calls were down. It was just a very boring week. And to top it off having no one at any of my open homes during the weekend. What a browner for both me and the Vendors.
But it’s not just us in Real Estate that were hit last week. I was talking to a friend of mine today who owns a bar and he said his takings were down 60% on the week before alone. Now that is bad. And another friend of mine in a retail shop said she was board all week because of no one out shopping. And I look at our blog site. 10 blogs in the week 3 of them mine!
Is this the time of year everyone goes on holiday and does nothing or is everyone sick or is it just that everyone is cold and get lethargic and doesn’t want to do anything. Whatever it is it’s definitely happening right now. I must say out of all honesty it’s been very hard to get out of bed in the mornings. Very cold.
I dear hope that there becomes more activity in the market soon. It’s getting a tad boring, especially doing open homes for 3 hours and seeing no one.
Oh and just as a side note I need more comments. I deleted a whole chunk of your comments by mistake. Was trying to get rid of the spam. But instead the spam stayed and your comments disappeared. Sorry…..
G’day Dion, I’ve been following your blog for a while from up here in sunny Auckland. Well done, you’re a thinker and ideas man and you’ll always do well. The sun will shine soon enough and you’ll be busier than ever. Phone or knock on some neighbours’ doors while you’re there or in between those quiet opens! PS – I’m ex-RAN and RNZN and was NTO at Philomel in 1995/6 before I started my second career – real estate. 12 years now and going strong. Best luck.