COVID-19 updates from Environment Canterbury
We are closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation, for the safety of all our staff and our communities. This page will be regularly updated with information and advice on how we are responding and adapting to government directives and the changing situation.
Update 16: 2 June 2020
From Tuesday 2 June our Tuam Street and Timaru offices will return to normal opening hours of Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm (Christchurch) and 8.30am-5.00pm (Timaru).
Several restrictions will remain in place, including physical distancing and all visitors required to sign in and out. Please note that many of our staff are still working remotely, so we prefer – where possible – that you contact us on 0800 324 636 (8am-5pm) or via our contact us page.
For information about visiting the Bus Interchange, or any public transport queries, go to
Public transport
In Christchurch, public transport is back to regular timetables, and the bus interchange has reopened. At Alert Level 2, capacity across the network is restricted for both urban and school services, in order to meet Ministry of Health requirements. People are advised to avoid peak travel times where they have a choice. See service updates at
In Timaru, the Timaru Link and Temuka service are back to regular timetables, and MyWay by Metro is operating at full capacity. The Timaru Link and school services may be full at peak times due to capacity restrictions under Alert Level 2, and people are requested to consider alternatives at peak times if possible.
If you are in the Canterbury region and need urgent welfare support, please call 0800 24 24 11.
The service, provided by the Canterbury Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, is still available at Alert Level 2 for those facing hardship, at-risk groups, people with disabilities and people without access to essential supplies or support.
Regional parks are open
Regional Parks are open under Alert level 2. This includes the horse park and trail bike & mountain bike trails. All parks are open for vehicle access. The toilet blocks will be open (except at Lake Tekapo as these close in winter). Note however that NZMCA Parks will remain closed.
The message from our Prime Minister is:
- Keep your distance when out and about (ideally 2 metres).
- Take extra care if you interact with people you don’t know.
- No socialising in groups larger than 10 people.
For more on exercising and recreational activities under Alert Level 2, visit the government COVID-19 website.
If you need to contact Regional Parks, please call 0800 324 636, and ask to speak to the Duty Ranger. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as needed.
Compliance monitoring and enforcement
Under Level 2 many of our normal processes relating to compliance monitoring and enforcement continue, but with some changes to the way we work with you.
Read the latest update on compliance monitoring and enforcement to learn more. If you are in any doubt or have any questions at all, please contact your compliance monitoring officer direct or our customer services team on 0800 324 636 or via our contact us form.
Government COVID-19 updates
See the government’s dedicated website for the latest updates and advice.
You can also visit the Ministry of Health website for further detailed health information.
Previous updates
Offices open in limited way from 18 May
Alert Level 3 – where to access information
We are still at Alert Level 3. The government’s COVID-19 website – should be your main source of information. Some of the key points are:
- Stay home, save lives is still the number one rule for Alert Level 3.
- It is important we continue to limit non-essential travel.
- Keep your bubble as small as possible. You can expand it by bringing in a relative or loved one living alone or a caregiver – but keep your bubble tight and exclusive.
Compliance monitoring and enforcement
Under Level 3 many of our normal processes relating to compliance monitoring and enforcement continue, but with some changes to the way we work with you.
Read the latest update on compliance monitoring and enforcement to learn more. If you are in any doubt or have any questions at all, please contact your compliance monitoring officer direct or our customer services team on 0800 324 636 or via our contact us form.
If you are in the Canterbury region and need welfare support, please call 0800 24 24 11. The service, provided by the Canterbury Civil Defence team, is available 7am-7pm daily and is for those facing hardship, at-risk groups, people with disabilities and those without access to essential supplies or support.
Regional parks
The information related to our regional parks has been updated in light of Level 3 restrictions. Please visit our regional parks page for more detail.
Public transport
We have increased public transport services under Alert Level 3 in Greater Christchurch and Timaru.
Metro’s public transport networks in Christchurch have returned to regular timetables, and the central city bus interchange has reopened. Find out more about these service changes.
Rural recycling
AgRecovery’s on-farm collection recycling services restarted at Alert Level 3, with contactless pick-ups. Fixed sites cannot yet accept agrichemical containers, but keep triple-rinsing containers and store them in a safe and dry place, as services will resume at Alert Level 2.
Keep an eye on AgRecovery’s website to stay up with the latest, as they adapt their practices to keep rural recycling healthy and safe.
Outdoor burning: Clean air zone restrictions in place
Under the Canterbury Air Regional Plan, no outdoor burning is permitted on properties within a clean air zone between 1 May and 31 August. We understand that due to the COVID-19 Alert Level restrictions, you may have a significant amount of green waste. If your property is located in a clean air zone, some alternatives to burning include:
- taking your rubbish to the nearest transfer station for recycling;
- mulching/composting; or
- waiting until after winter.
Visit our outdoor burning page for more information.
Please remember that even if your burning is allowed under our rules, Fire and Emergency New Zealand has its own seasonal restrictions and permitting requirements. Visit for details.
Alert Level 3 – where to access information
We are still at Alert Level 3. The government’s COVID-19 website – should be your main source of information. Some of the key points are:
- Stay home, save lives is still the number one rule for Alert Level 3.
- It is important we continue to limit non-essential travel.
- Keep your bubble as small as possible. You can expand it by bringing in a relative or loved one living alone or a caregiver – but keep your bubble tight and exclusive.
Compliance monitoring and enforcement
Under Level 3 many of our normal processes relating to compliance monitoring and enforcement continue, but with some changes to the way we work with you.
Read the latest update on compliance monitoring and enforcement to learn more. If you are in any doubt or have any questions at all, please contact your compliance monitoring officer direct or our customer services team on 0800 324 636 or via our contact us form.
If you are in the Canterbury region and need welfare support, please call 0800 24 24 11. The service, provided by the Canterbury Civil Defence team, is available 7am-7pm daily and is for those facing hardship, at-risk groups, people with disabilities and those without access to essential supplies or support.
Regional parks
The information related to our regional parks has been updated in light of Level 3 restrictions. Please visit our regional parks page for more detail.
Public transport
We have increased public transport services under Alert Level 3 in Greater Christchurch and Timaru.
Metro’s public transport networks in Christchurch have returned to regular timetables, and the central city bus interchange has reopened. Find out more about these service changes.
Rural recycling
AgRecovery’s on-farm collection recycling services restarted at Alert Level 3, with contactless pick-ups. Fixed sites cannot yet accept agrichemical containers, but keep triple-rinsing containers and store them in a safe and dry place, as services will resume at Alert Level 2.
Keep an eye on AgRecovery’s website to stay up with the latest, as they adapt their practices to keep rural recycling healthy and safe.
Outdoor burning: Clean air zone restrictions in place
Under the Canterbury Air Regional Plan, no outdoor burning is permitted on properties within a clean air zone between 1 May and 31 August. We understand that due to the COVID-19 Alert Level restrictions, you may have a significant amount of green waste. If your property is located in a clean air zone, some alternatives to burning include:
- taking your rubbish to the nearest transfer station for recycling;
- mulching/composting; or
- waiting until after winter.
Visit our outdoor burning page for more information.
Please remember that even if your burning is allowed under our rules, Fire and Emergency New Zealand has its own seasonal restrictions and permitting requirements. Visit for details.
Rural recycling update
AgRecovery’s on-farm collection recycling services have restarted at Alert Level 3, with contactless pick-ups. Fixed sites cannot yet accept agrichemical containers, but keep triple-rinsing containers and store them in a safe and dry place, as services will resume at Alert Level 2.
Keep an eye on AgRecovery’s website to stay up with the latest, as they adapt their practices to keep rural recycling healthy and safe.
Outdoor burning: Clean air zone restrictions now in place
Under the Canterbury Air Regional Plan, no outdoor burning is permitted on properties within a clean air zone between 1 May and 31 August. We understand that due to the COVID-19 Alert Level restrictions, you may have a significant amount of green waste. If your property is located in a clean air zone, some alternatives to burning include:
- taking your rubbish to the nearest transfer station for recycling;
- mulching/composting; or
- waiting until after winter.
Please remember that even if your burning is allowed under our rules, Fire and Emergency New Zealand has its own seasonal restrictions and permitting requirements. Visit for details.
Alert Level 3 – where to access information
We are now at Alert Level 3. The government’s COVID-19 website has been fully updated with Level 3 content – this should be your main source of information. Some of the key points are:
- Stay home, save lives is still the number one rule for Alert Level 3.
- It is important we continue to stay home where possible and limit non-essential travel.
- Keep your bubble as small as possible. You can expand it by bringing in a relative or loved one living alone or a caregiver – but keep your bubble tight and exclusive.
Compliance monitoring and enforcement
Under Level 3 many of our normal processes relating to compliance monitoring and enforcement will continue, but with some changes to the way we work with you.
Read the latest update on compliance monitoring and enforcement to learn more. If you are in any doubt or have any questions at all, please contact your compliance monitoring officer direct or our customer services team on 0800 324 636 or via our contact us form.
If you are in the Canterbury region and need welfare support, please call 0800 24 24 11. The service, provided by the Canterbury Civil Defence team, is available 7am-7pm daily and is for those facing hardship, at-risk groups, people with disabilities and those without access to essential supplies or support.
Regional parks
The information related to our regional parks has been updated in light of Level 3 restrictions. Please visit our regional parks page for more detail.
Public transport
We have increased public transport services now that we are at Level 3. Learn more about public transport changes.
Public transport changes at COVID-19 Alert Level 3
- Environment Canterbury is preparing to provide increased public transport services when New Zealand moves to COVID-19 Alert Level 3.
- Under Level 3, government advice is that travel is still restricted, and is only allowed for permitted movement in your local area – e.g. for going to work or school, shopping, or getting exercise. However, some people going back to work or school at Alert Level 3 will need public transport as an important part of their day.
- In Greater Christchurch, starting on Tuesday 28 April, we will move to a Saturday timetable running Monday – Saturday, with the Sunday service running on Sundays, for most services.
- In Timaru, this means reintroducing the Timaru Link and the Temuka service to run alongside the MyWay service, from Tuesday 28 April.
- Learn more about the public transport changes.
Parks update on the move to Level 3
As we enter the long weekend, remember that Alert Level 4 is still in place until 11.59pm Monday April 27.
When we move to Alert Level 3 on Tuesday, we’ll be retaining certain measures for our parks and relying on everyone to do the right thing to keep our community safe.
- The strong message from our Prime Minister remains to stay at home.
- We know it’s important to get out for fresh air and exercise. You can exercise at parks or beaches within your region, but the closer to home the better (walking/cycling distance is still a good rule of thumb). Activities must be safe – keep 2 metres away from anybody not in your bubble. Make minimal trips.
- At Alert Level 3 there is still no vehicle access, including trail bikes, to all areas of the Waimakariri River Regional Park.
- West Melton Forest horse trails will remain closed for horse riding.
- Exercise equipment along the Rakahuri Track will continue to be taped off.
- All toilet facilities remain closed.
- The NZMCA camping areas at the Lake Tekapo Regional Park and at The Willows at the Waimakariri River Regional Park remain closed.
️If you need to contact Regional Parks, please call 0800 324 636, and ask to speak to the Duty Ranger. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as needed.
Waste management is primarily the responsibility of your local district council, so throughout the different COVID-19 alert levels, the most up-to-date information on issues such as rubbish collection and recycling, and whether transfer stations are open, will be on your council’s website.
View the list of Canterbury’s 10 district councils and links to their websites.
However, there are waste-related matters that we can provide guidance on, including burning and dumping of rubbish. Find out more information.
Staying warm at home
While we know that smoke from wood burners contributes to urban air pollution, it is essential for people to stay warm in their homes, especially as we enter the cooler months. Here are some important things to know:
- Wood merchants are able to deliver during the lockdown period, as this is considered an essential service. It’s really important to use quality dry wood and have a good burning technique, like using lots of kindling to get your fire started.
- View a list of Trusted Good Wood Merchants
- You can still report a smoky chimney via Snap Send Solve, phone or email, but we will not be able to take action until the COVID-19 alert level is reduced.
- The information from complaints will be gathered and used to inform future action.
- For those going through the process of upgrading a wood burner, the most important thing is for you to stay warm and stay at home. We will be encouraging the upgrade of these burners following this period of uncertainty.
- If you are uncertain as to what to do, please contact us on 0800 324 636.
Compliance monitoring and enforcement
The government has confirmed essential services for councils during the lockdown (refer to update 6 below), and as a result we are adjusting the way that we work with our communities.
Many of our normal processes relating to compliance monitoring and enforcement will continue, but with some changes at Alert Level 4.
Please click through to learn more on our compliance monitoring and enforcement.
Recreation over Easter
The strong directive from the government is not to travel to baches or beaches over Easter, and that also includes to our regional parks. For more advice visit our Regional Parks page.
Maritime New Zealand, NZ Search and Rescue, and other agencies are also urging all New Zealanders to stay home, stay safe and out of the water over Easter. This includes not taking part in any activities that might require emergency services.
As the Director of Health and Police made clear earlier this week: “Recreation and exercise does not involve swimming, water-based activities (for example, surfing or boating), hunting, tramping, or other activities of a kind that expose participants to danger or may require search and rescue services.”
Read the full press release on the Maritime NZ site.
Checking your boat
We are aware that some people may wish to check on the condition of their vessel during lockdown, but that this is not permissible at Alert Level 4.
We have worked with Police and Civil Defence to identify a solution to this issue, which will allow one designated person from each area (ie, Lyttelton and Akaroa harbours) to check all the boats in that area.
We will ensure each mooring/boat owner is contacted to discuss their own vessel. You can contact our Moorings Officer should you wish early contact.
Essential services
Our list of ‘essential services’ is below, but the practical application of this is still being worked through and may evolve over time:
- Natural hazard event monitoring, response and recovery
- Major natural hazards
- Flood response, flood protection and land drainage
- Incident/pollution response including related enforcement
- Oil spill response
- Air quality monitoring
- Compliance monitoring programmes for high risk activities as they relate to human health including sampling and analysing water quality for safe human activities (e.g. drinking water)
- Maritime navigation safety
- Public transport (essential travel only)
- Biosecurity incursion response and eradication
- Critical support services that allow workers to work remotely
- Corporate support
- Crisis Management Team for COVID-19
- Civil Defence Emergency Management services
If you have specific questions, please send them in via our contact us page and where they are of general interest, we will answer them on this page so others can see the response.
Read the government’s revised guidance on the classification of essential services.
The Ministry of Transport has also issued guidance for the transport sector on essential services and restriction.
See below for more 1 April 2020 updates
A lot has changed since our draft 2020/21 Annual Plan was published four weeks ago for community input.
- Options are being considered to minimise any impact that our rate requirements have on our communities, while at the same time keeping an eye to the future, when we will have to resume full services – and potentially add more.
- A zero-rate increase is not off the table, nor is looking at other forms of funding that will help spread the impact of this pandemic. This piece of work is still evolving.
- Those who gave us feedback on the draft plan will know we were just at the end of our feedback period when we all went into lockdown.
- We have received over 150 pieces of feedback and we know that people will also be sending in late feedback.
- Hearings were due to be held on 21 and 22 April and at this stage hearings will not be able to go ahead on these dates.
- The feedback received to-date will be used to help council settle on the 2020/21 Annual Plan, as well as help define the future Long-Term Plan.
Hearings for Plan Change 7 were due to be held on 18 May, but the Independent Hearings Panel has advised this will no longer take place.
The panel will advise a revised timeline; we will keep relevant parties informed as the timeline becomes known.
While we know that smoke from wood burners is a contributor to urban air pollution, it is essential for people to stay warm in their homes, especially as we enter the cooler months.
As ever, we advise you to use good burning technique and good quality wood. Merchants are able to continue delivering wood during the lockdown period, as this is considered an essential service.
Be cautious where you purchase your wood from; recently cut wood will not be ready of this winter.
Our process for smoky chimney complaints has been revised;
- Report as normal, via Snap Send Solve, phone or email.
- This information will be gathered and collated, but due to our offices being closed and staff being at home, we will not be able to take action until COVID-19 alert levels reduce.
- The information will be used to inform future action.
We also know that there are a number of you who have not replaced your non-complying burners.
These are unprecedented times and the most important thing is for you stay warm; as such, we will be encouraging the upgrade of these burners following this period of uncertainty.
Please get in touch to find out how we can support you to do this.
Stay warm, stay home.
Outdoor burning
Fire and Emergency New Zealand has released the following information and advice about outdoor burning, asking people to refrain from doing so during Alert Level 4:
“We urge people to consider the appropriateness of any burning at this time. Any fire is likely to result in a smoke report with more people being at home. This then results in fire crews, the majority of which are volunteer, having to leave their family bubble to investigate.
This in turn has the potential to jeopardise the health and safety of the wider community. The volunteers don’t have a bottomless supply of PPE – especially given the country’s other essential services demands on the same products such as masks, sanitiser, gloves etc.
Fires are by permit only, and we are generally only issuing permits to priority burns such as crop stubble and land management burns. To stop false calls, we are requiring nearly all permit holders to ring the fire communication centre to advise of lighting their burn, to help prevent false calls.
We appreciate people are at home, but we ask they hold off until after the lockdown so we don’t have a whole lot of unnecessary exposure – which is the whole point.”
Please note: the rules around outdoor burning under the Canterbury Regional Air Plan continue to apply.
Recreational Boating
Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) has issued strong guidance to skippers of recreational vessels, urging them to “play their part in the fight against COVID-19 by staying home”.
Potential enforcement action may be a consequence of acting irresponsibly or otherwise putting themselves or others at risk, at any time – including during the current pandemic. Read the full statement from Martitme New Zealand.
Agrecovery – rural recycling
Agrecovery has confirmed that rural recycling collection will pause from 26 March while physical distancing measures are in place. However, it is important to continue recycling.
Keep triple-rinsing containers and store them in a dry place until collection resumes. You can find updates on the Agrecovery website or follow Agrecovery Rural Recycling on Facebook or @ruralrecycleNZ on Twitter.
Recreational boating
During this period of Alert Level 4 lockdown, the national directive is to stay at home and not undertake any activities where you may unintentionally end up needing emergency services. If you require further advice on how this might affect your recreational boating activities, please go to the following Government websites:
Regional parks
The key points are:
- The strong message from our prime minister is to stay at home.
- We understand that it’s important to get out for fresh air and exercise, the national directive is to do so locally and keep at least two metres away from other people at all times.
- A good rule of thumb is if you live nearby (i.e. walking/cycling distance) then it’s OK to use our tracks for your fresh air/exercise.
- We can’t restrict access to our parks completely, but we are putting in place the measures we can and relying on everyone to do the right thing, in order to keep everyone safe.
- There is no vehicle access, including trail bikes, to all areas of the Waimakariri River Regional Park.
- All toilet facilities are closed.
- The NZMCA camping areas at the Lake Tekapo Regional Park and at The Willows at the Waimakariri River Regional Park are closed.
If you need to contact us, please call 0800 324 636, and ask to speak to the Duty Ranger. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as needed.
River engineering
We have scaled back all non-essential flood protection and drainage work in our riverbeds. We will be completing works that protect life, homes and critical infrastructure only.
All our flood prediction tools, rain gauges and river flow gauges will continue to operate as an essential service. If you have any questions about works in your area, please contact
Public transport
There are major changes to bus services due to COVID-19, as follows:
- All bus services will run to the Sunday timetable and will be for essential travel only.
- To help protect our drivers and to maintain the service, buses will have rear boarding only and fares will not be required.
- There are some exceptions and extensions to the normal Sunday timetables, to support people relying on public transport to reach essential services. Full details are available at Metroinfo.
- The Bus Interchange will be closed and all central city services will use the Manchester St super stops instead.
- In Timaru, fixed-route buses have stopped, and MyWay is available for essential trips only. People needing to use public transport for the legitimate reasons set out by the Government may book by calling 688 5544.
Please visit Metroinfo for the latest information.
Following the Prime Ministers’ announcement today, Environment Canterbury office buildings are closed to the public until further notice. This includes the MetroInfo counter at the Bus Interchange.
We will only be operating our offices for essential services staff until further notice.
All of our staff will be working remotely, but you will still be able to contact our Customer Services staff by calling 0800 324 636 (Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm) or visit our contact us page.
Public transport
Major changes to bus services due to COVID-19:
- From Thursday 26 March all bus services will run to the Sunday timetable, and will be for essential travel only. To help protect our drivers and to maintain the service, buses will have rear boarding only, and fares will not be required.
- There are some exceptions and extensions to the normal Sunday timetables, to support people relying on public transport to reach essential services. Full details are available at Metroinfo.
- The Bus Interchange will be closed from Thursday 26 March and all central city services will use the Manchester St super stops instead.
- In Timaru, fixed route buses stop on Thursday, and MyWay is available for essential trips only. People needing to use public transport for the legitimate reasons set out by the Government may book by calling 688 5544.
Regional parks
While our parks are open to walkers/runners and cyclists, the firm message from the Government during COVID-19 Alert Level Four is to stay home, and when you need to get fresh air or exercise, do it close to home and ensure you keep a two-metre distance from other people at all times. To help support this, there will be restricted access to vehicles and shared facilities at our parks:
- There will be no vehicle access (including trail bikes) to the Waimakariri River Regional Park areas, and toilet blocks will be locked.
- At the Lake Tekapo Regional Park, the NZMCA caravan park will be closed, along with the toilet facilities.
If you need to contact us, please call 0800 324 636, and ask for the Duty Ranger.
Whilst we are still open for business, we are requesting a few things from our customers to help keep us all well.
- Please call us on 0800 324 636, or contact us online, as the first option before coming to one of our offices.
- If you, a household member or someone you’ve been in contact with has been overseas within the last 14 days and are experiencing a fever, cough or shortness of breath, please do not visit any of our offices. Call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice.
- If you do visit one of our offices, please ensure you sign in at reception with correct contact information so that you are traceable.
- We are practising safe physical distancing in our offices and request visitors do the same – learn more about this at
We appreciate your cooperation at this uncertain time – together we can slow the spread.
Public transport
The wellbeing of public transport customers is top of mind and we are working closely with government agencies, including the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Health, taking steps to make public transport even safer in light of the COVID-19 situation.
- To help limit the spread of any virus, those unwell should stay at home.
- To reduce physical interactions between our customers and staff, passengers are encouraged to immediately reduce the use of cash by using a Metrocard or student Cando card, and to top these up online.
In Christchurch, public transport is back to regular timetables, and the Bus Interchange has reopened. At Alert Level 2, capacity across the network is restricted for both urban and school services, in order to meet Ministry of Health requirements. People are advised to avoid peak travel times where they have a choice. See service updates at
In Timaru, the Timaru Link and Temuka service are back to regular timetables, and MyWay by Metro is operating at full capacity. The Timaru Link and school services may be full at peak times due to capacity restrictions under Alert Level 2, and people are requested to consider alternatives at peak times if possible.