Celebrating our uniqueness
It’s been some time since our last update on what has been happening with water management in the Banks Peninsula Zone. We’ve been keeping busy in the background and have lots of ideas for the rest of the year.
Rangatahi/youth representative
We are proud to have recently announced that Erana Riddell has officially been welcomed onto the Committee as the first ever youth representative on a water zone committee.
The rangatahi/youth voice is essential to understanding water challenges and taking action to address them.
We feel very lucky to have Erana and her insights into what is important for her and the wider rangatahi/youth community.
Biodiversity funding blooms
During lockdown we met remotely and were pleased to allocate more than $70,000 worth of funding to four different projects across Banks Peninsula through Immediate Steps Biodiversity (IMS) funding.
The four projects showcase the existing biodiversity values on Banks Peninsula, and the actions that landowners can take to protect and enhance these values. Several rare or threatened native species were found throughout the projects so we are are looking forward to seeing work get underway on the sites.
More information about the projects will be online soon.
Get involved
IMS funding is a great way for individuals and community groups to access funding to help protect and enhance biodiversity throughout Banks Peninsula and the wider Canterbury Region.
I would encourage you to apply for funding, or contact us if you have some ideas or projects that might fit.
Supporting farmers in our zone
At our latest Committee workshop we discussed in depth some of the concerns that our farming community has with stricter rules around waterways planned or already in place.
The Committee will be looking at how we can facilitate and support farmers in our zone to share information and provide resources to help navigate these rules.
Our community is diverse, and it is this diversity that makes Banks Peninsula unique – something we ought to celebrate!
Kaumātua/elder honoured
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge Peter Ramsden who recently received a Queen’s Birthday Honour and became a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit, for his services to conservation.
Peter is kaumātua/elder and Deputy Chair of Te Runanga o Koukourārata, on Banks Peninsula.
It is important to celebrate successes such as these and acknowledge the people who fearlessly advise, support, and encourage us to navigate our way through the natural and built world.
Finding a balance between these worlds can be hard at times, but with an open mind and willingness to work together, we can achieve great things.
Nga mihi nui,