Christchurch City Council is on track to have a contract awarded for the redevelopment of the organics processing plant in Bromley by the middle of the year.
Late last year the Council decided to spend $21.5 million redeveloping the plant to remove the possibility of offensive and objectionable dust and odour travelling beyond the facility’s boundary.
This week the procurement plan for the project was approved by the Council’s Finance and Performance Committee, clearing the way for a Request for Proposal to be released in the coming weeks to selected contractors.
“We expect to be in a position to select a preferred contractor for the redevelopment in June and to have the contract finalised in July,’’ says Council Resource Recovery Manager Ross Trotter.
“We will then be in a position to give the community firm timelines for when work will begin and how long it is likely to take to complete the redevelopment work,’’ Mr Trotter says.
“It is our expectation that work will begin on site this year.’’
The redevelopment will involve:
- Significantly upgrading the 18 aerated tunnels where the organic waste is turned into compost.
- Building a new, fully ventilated structure to enclose the outside area where the compost is matured and screened.
- Upgrading the biofilter.
A community meeting where Bromley residents can ask questions about the redevelopment of the organics processing plant will be held at Environment Canterbury’s Tuam Street offices on Tuesday 6 April, between 6.30 and 8pm. Staff from ECan, the Council and Living Earth will be at the meeting to answer residents’ questions.