Conversations around the concepts of belonging and inclusion will take place on 12 August in Invercargill as part of a nationwide road trip running until September 2020.
A part of 64 events planned and facilitated by Inclusive Aotearoa Collective TÄhono as part of its 2020 project, these community conversations are being held to learn first-hand what belonging feels like, what hinders this, and what needs to change.
Inclusive Aotearoa Collective TÄhono was formed last year with the support of people across the country who are committed to building an inclusive society. This year, the focus is on connecting with a wide range of New Zealanders to hear their experiences on belonging and inclusion. This will be used to develop a strategy, which will be implemented by forming ‘constellations’ – a network of people and organisations working together on a common goal.
“We have a vision for a country where everyone has a place to belong,” says Anjum Rahman, Founder and Project Lead for Inclusive Aotearoa Collective TÄhono.
“The freedom to thrive, to be understood and appreciated for your individuality – and to be embraced as a valued member of New Zealand society. These are all things we want as individuals and communities. This initiative will focus on how we can support that.”
The project provides a platform to talk to as many people as possible about their experiences, insights and ideas – and develop a way forward with a Strategy for Belonging and Inclusion that is based on the communities’ collective voices.
Each road trip conversation will include up to 16 people. Participants will come from a diverse cross-section of the community. The project is also host online surveys and major Hui in Wellington (completed), Christchurch and Auckland.
“Discrimination and exclusion touch so many of us in different ways,” says Rahman. “By holding conversations with those affected, we can develop a way forward based on their stories, their needs and their suggestions for change.”
Upcoming events are posted on the project’s
Facebook page. Individuals or groups interested in joining conversations can contact